Elevate Your Scenes With Our New VFX Collections: Plants & Foliage and Windy Trash & Paper

Elevate Your Scenes With Our New VFX Collections: Plants & Foliage and Windy Trash & Paper

Craft believable and engaging environments with our newest VFX collections: Plants & Foliage and Windy Trash & Paper.

When it comes to adding that perfect touch of realism and depth to your scenes, VFX Artists understand the true magic of visual effects lie in the details. Whether it's enhancing a serene, nature-filled backdrop or building an atmospheric, chaotic environment, the smaller details matter!

That's why we're thrilled to announce two new VFX collections that will prove to be a great toolset for VFX artists—meet Plants & Foliage and Windy Trash & Paper

Here's why you can't afford to miss these new additions to the ActionVFX library.

Plants & Foliage

Need to fill out a barren scene with lush greenery? Or perhaps there's an unsightly object in the frame that needs to be concealed. Our "Plants & Foliage" collection is your go-to solution for any plant-related needs.

Our team shot 31 motion clips and 171 still images shot under three distinct lighting conditions, ensuring a seamless match with any environment.

  • Wind Speed: Craft your scene's ambiance by selecting clips with varying wind speeds.
  • Diverse Biomes: Plants from different biomes allow for scene versatility.
  • Multiple Sizes: Ranging in both height and width, choose the plant that best fits your framing.
  • Plant Types: An expansive variety of plant types cater to all your aesthetic and functional needs.
  • High-Quality Capture: Shot on the RED V-RAPTOR 8K.
  • Alpha Channels: Every clip comes with an alpha channel for seamless compositing.
  • Resolution Choices: Available in 2K or 4K for your production needs.

Windy Trash & Paper

This collection is a great resource for scenes that require atmospheric depth, such as post-apocalyptic worlds or gritty urban landscapes.

With 25 different CG assets included, this collection can transform a standard scene into an immersive experience, lending a dynamic and chaotic energy that captivates the viewer.

  • Purposeful Chaos: 25 CG assets of paper and trash debris offer both subtle and overt visual cues.
  • Versatile Angles: Choose from 5 different camera angles—Wide, Close, At Cam, Away from Cam, and Looking Up.
  • Effect Types: From plain paper, burnt paper, or wind-swept debris, we've got it.
  • Wind Speeds: Options for slow, medium, and storm winds give you complete control.
  • Burnt or Not: Falling paper comes in two variations—one with burnt papers for explosions and one without for more general needs.
  • Shadow Pass Included: Speed up your comping process with included shadow passes.
  • Alpha Channels: Every clip comes with an alpha channel for seamless compositing.
  • Resolution Choices: Choose from 2K or 4K Pro, which includes EXR files for those who need them.

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Are you curious about what makes ActionVFX assets stand out? Check out our selection of free VFX assets and see the difference personally! We are committed to creating production-quality assets, and this extends to our free VFX assets, so try them out.

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